Villő's "Immaculate" premiered at the Palm Springs Shortfest, and "Eterna" earned her a nomination for the Young Director Award at Cannes. Since graduating from the National Film and Television School, she has worked on various advertisements and fiction projects, including her latest short, "Shiny Precious Things," which is currently in post-production.
Martyna is an award-winning cinematographer whose work has played at the Cannes Film Festival, Camerimage, Sundance, SXSW, and TIFF.
Highly experienced at shooting on film, she is especially drawn to emotionally intimate and sensory-driven storytelling.
Martyna Jakimowska
Villő's "Immaculate" premiered at the Palm Springs Shortfest, and "Eterna" earned her a nomination for the Young Director Award at Cannes. Since graduating from the National Film and Television School, she has worked on various advertisements and fiction projects, including her latest short, "Shiny Precious Things," which is currently in post-production.